Target Groups
In a world where noise and stimuli are steadily increasing, and where finding tranquility for reflection and concentration becomes increasingly challenging, we see the need for acoustic dampening and behaviour-regulating tools as current and relevant in many places.
Habi®Caves are currently used in various settings such as workplaces, office environments, waiting areas, educational institutions, schools, daycare centers, and generally, anywhere people move about and are influenced by their surroundings.
Create a healthy office environment with a focus on well-being and sustainability with Habi®Cave
Flere Habi®Caves vil forbedre jeres kontormiljø, da alle har glæde af at kunne tage microbreaks i hverdagen. En pause i Habi®Cave vil desuden forbedre brugerens ydeevne og koncentrationsevne. Habi®Cave er en bæredygtig, akustikdæmpende og sansemodulerende hule til at tage microbreaks i dagligdagen. Hulens skulpturelle og æstetiske udformning er inspireret af origamien – den japanske papirfoldeteknik, hvor man i et enkelt stykke papir skaber en organisk form. Habi®Cave er et nytænkende og innovativt møbel, idet den er udviklet i samarbejde med bruger, producent og leverandør. Derved er konceptet og designet baseret på evidens og data. Habi®Cave er et miljøvenligt møbel. Og så er det vel bare et plus, at I også får et æstetisk lækkert danskproduceret designmøbel.

Enhance well-being and create a better learning environment with Habi®Cave
Inclusion and inclusive learning environments are commonplace in most schools and educational institutions. Therefore, it is necessary to incorporate the possibility of accommodating the many individual needs into the physical spaces - as they have such a significant impact on our well-being. Especially when dealing with special needs, particular sensitivity, or tasks that require peace, immersion, and concentration. Habi®Cave offers a solution on how to create inclusive communities, as Habi®Cave serves as an aid for students and teachers in a busy school day, supporting various needs and learning processes of the students. At the same time, Habi®Cave contributes with the unique "room-within-a-room", whether one is seeking a break and mental peace or it is for undisturbed work.
Habi®Caves' beautiful design and noise-reducing effect make it perfect as lounge furniture in hotel lobbies, airports, museums, etc.
Places where many people gather can easily become overstimulating, hectic, or filled with noise and other stimuli, diverting attention from the experience or disrupting breaks or work. With Habi®Cave in the social space, everyone can find a break with room for relaxation or peace for a phone call. For the user sitting inside the Habi®Cave, outside noise is reduced by 33%. At the museum, the experience can be intensified with quiet space to appreciate exhibited works, and at the airport, waiting time can be used for rest in the private "room-within-a-room". Habi®Cave's inviting and aesthetic expression simultaneously adorns most rooms and spaces, and most will feel drawn and invited inside the personal quiet space. the acoustic properties also positively impact sound and noise in the room.

Provide individuals with developmental disorders, neurological, and cognitive issues a calm environment using Habi®Cave.
Our surroundings play a role in shaping the way we act and interact. The environment impacts our well-being and our ability to participate in communities. At the same time, the design of our surroundings is significant for our own learning processes and the possibilities for action in our own lives. A person's individual needs to adapt the surroundings or to be able to withdraw from them, should ideally be present for people to thrive. To participate and interact in everyday life, individuals with special needs often require support in sorting external impressions. This support can help create calmness in the body and mind, and assist in regulating attention levels. By having the opportunity to sit in the Habi®Cave for a while, where sensory stimuli from the surroundings are significantly reduced, many people can give their brains a break and avoid having to be isolated in a completely different room. This opportunity can significantly reduce outward behaviour, social challenges, concentration difficulties, and restlessness, especially in institutions, healthcare settings, special school, nursing homes etc.

Use Habi®Cave to create a luxurious study and reading environment that invites immersion.
Too much noise and a lack of tranquility can affect our ability to concentrate and maintain focus for extended periods. With its sound-dampening property, Habi®Cave contributes to creating cosiness, tranquility, and immersion for users of all ages. Create a luxurious study environment in your library with Habi®Caves positioned around, inviting library users to find peace and concentration. Habi®Cave is perfect for providing a quiet space to immerse oneself in study materials or a good book but can also be used when one needs a break from academic content.
Habi®Cave is a Danish designed furniture piece - and at the same time the cosiest cave in the home
The acoustic furniture is particularly suitable for common areas, living rooms, and youth rooms. Its attractive design invites in for both tranquility and a break, as well as a cosy reading or listening session in peaceful surroundings, even while the rest of the family is watching TV or engaging in other activities in the vicinity. In Habi®Cave, outside noise is reduced by 33%. Additionally, users are not disturbed by other sensory impressions, as the field of vision is also reduced for the chair's occupant. Both light and sound can be installed in the chair, allowing for the enjoyment of homework, a good book, or an audio book in a personal quiet space. The aesthetic and Nordic look, inspired by the Japanese paper folding technique origami, fits nicely into private settings. Since Habi®Cave can be easily and quickly folded up or assembled, it is simple and swift to move if needed be - or if there is a need to take it with you, for example, to a summer house. Habi®Cave is offered in 25 colours, including 8 colours that match the Scandinavian style, providing plenty of options to choose Habi®Cave in colours that perfectly suit the preferred surroundings.